Kate Stroud

Follow Kate on Instagram here

Watch the video below for information about the artist’s work in Facing Scopophilia

The video is closed captioned, scroll down for a transcript of the talk.

Transcription of video:

Hello I am Kate Stroud, a one woman creative studio by the name of Stroud De Signs. I am a vision hunter, a visual communicator using typography, sign writing, murals, music and short film as my creative language in an attempt to visually represent and express the human experience as we move through this life, time and place. This exhibition has offered me the space to explore new mediums, techniques and tools whilst remaining rooted in my obsession for typography, hand lettering and atmosphere making.

Facing Scopophilia posed a tricky theme to put to words, an experience that seems to be beyond language. Deconstructing the language that impacts the viewed and placing the responsibility onto the viewer, I turn to community involvement to inform the sentiment and overall experience of this theme. Weaving in lived wisdom as I attempt to transfer these experiences and ideas into a literal reflective process using mirrors and reflection as the universal material in this body of work. This feels like a bold extension that has stretched my creative practice towards a new installation-based artistic expression. Expect hand-designed typography, mirrored laser-cut acrylic, reverse glass gilding, vulva chandeliers and iridescent wearable vaginas

Facing Scopophilia.

List of works:

Comment Cassum Galazy Gash (2022)

laser cut mirrored acrylic, suspended chandelier $3500

Sound Advise (2022)

laser cut mirrored acrylic, mirror, 23.5ct gold reverse glass gild $1800 set of 3

Twinkle Twinkle (2022)

laser cut mirror and irradecent acrylic jewelsium $800 set of 2

Fly The Flaps Vulva Earings

laser cut, engraved and etched irradecent acrylic vulvas $60 pair