Phoebe Willis

Follow Phoebe on Instagram here.

Watch the video below for information about the artist’s work in Facing Scopophilia

The video is closed captioned, scroll down for a transcript of the talk.

Transcription of video:

My name is Phoebe Willis and my current collage works depict female figures placed amongst simple shapes and scenes that are contrasting and stark in comparison yet create a harmonious flow. The soft warm colour palette of the works merged with the black and white imagery adds a depth of contrast and alludes to the everyday awareness of being viewed and watched simply for having a body in the shape of the feminine form.

I chose to utilise found and recycled materials along with stencilling layers to create works that acknowledge the different and varying levels of comfort that people feel when it comes to either being in the nude or viewing figures in the nude. Situating the female body uniquely within the works creates the illusion that certain parts of the figure are concealed until there is further exploration into the depth of each piece.

Facing Scopophilia.

List of works:

Eyes on the Horizon (2022)

found images, spray paint, binder medium $395

Life Inside the Tank (2022)

repurposed paper, found images, binder medium $595

Centre of Attention (2022)

found images, spray paint, binder medium $395

Shadows and Censors (2022)

found images, binder medium $395