Zom Osborne

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Watch the video below for information about the artist’s work in Facing Scopophilia

The video is closed captioned, scroll down for a transcript of the talk.

Transcription of video:

I am Zom Osborne and I have been a practicing artist for over 30 years. I immigrated to Australia from the states as a young woman. I have a long and strong ancestral lineage to North America through my native American and colonial ancestors. This is important to my art.

Since the beginning, art has been created to make the invisible visible, my interest has always been located in the non-physical realms such as the mythological esoteric, symbolic or prophetic.   My instinct is to honor these realms by giving them physical form. This is why my art is realistic and detailed.

My painting in Scopophilia, "The Last Draw" is of a woman ofMexican and Indigenous ancestry, she is wearing a military jacket from the Mexican-American war, the first time the US annexed or stole land from another recognised nation. This was its beginning of becoming an imperial nation as well as a colonising one.

Her jacket and her gun represent the ongoing practice of booty taken from an enemy. This represents the appropriation of an enemy's power, therefore becoming a power object. Her wolfclaw necklace represents her connection to a wolf or warrior clan. "The Last Draw" is one of a series of paintings representing the ancient feminine power that is again arising to upset the existing thousands of years of patriarchal rule and to represent the possibility of a rebirth and a balance between the feminine and masculine in our world.

Facing Scopophilia.

List of works:

The Last Draw (2019)

acrylic on canvas $3950